Put the “Social” Back into Social Media

brilliant talks social media Jul 26, 2022

I want to remind everybody that the world that we’re shifting into is no different than other worlds we’ve had. 

I love this quote by Mark Twain. “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” We're not going to see the exact same thing happen over and over again. But we're going to see similarities.
So with that, I want to remind you that whatever world we head into, the world is all about attracting, and social media, hands down, is the best place to attract the most people.

Our job is to connect with people and to use social media for what it was intended to be used for: connecting with other people and creating relationships. Why? Because the world that we live in is all about attracting others.


Some final thoughts…

We're creating a community with the things that we do. But if we jump in every morning and have no intent behind what we're doing here on social media, it shows. Because you half-ass the job... Instead of using it to create relationships.

Your job is to connect with people and make them feel empowered. Make them feel great because the next time they see you, they'll be like, “Oh, that person.” Yeah, they recognize you and have a deeper connection with you and what you put out there.

And remember, don’t get too frustrated when you’ve been posting for 30 days and you aren’t gaining traction. Very few people get viral and grow exponentially in just a month. For most of us, it is a long game, and it needs intent, consistency, a little bit of creativity, and a whole lot of authenticity when it comes to engaging people.

Go deeper, and if you think you’re doing too much, scratch that. You are not doing enough. You could be doing more to connect deeper with other people.

If you are interested, you can check out some of my podcasts. I dive deeper into each social media platform, the big six: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn, and I dissect what opportunities are there for you on each platform.

Podcasts: A Social Media Plan for 2022 and Sharpen Your Social Media Strategy