EP145: It's Time To Pivot In Real Estate

client connections community engagement database management email marketing facebook lead ads google ppc listings market dynamics online lead generation real estate trends seller leads social media strategic planning Apr 22, 2024

Welcome back to Your Daily Real Estate Podcast with Tristan Ahumada! Sponsored by kirbly.com, today's episode dives into the essential focus areas for real estate success. From dominating social platforms like YouTube and TikTok to optimizing your database and exploring new online lead strategies, we've got you covered. Ready to level up your game? Listen to the podcast from this link and let's seize these opportunities together! What are you waiting for? Let's dive in and make things happen in the ever-evolving real estate world!

Topics Discussed On This Episode:

  • Focus on Getting Listings: Tristan emphasizes the importance of focusing on acquiring listings amidst changing market dynamics. He outlines four primary ways to achieve this, including leveraging social media platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Facebook groups to establish expertise and community engagement.
  • Database Management: Tristan introduces the HOP system (Home, Online, Person) for effective database management. He emphasizes the need for a strategic plan to connect with clients consistently across various channels, such as mailers, texts, and in-person interactions.
  • Online Lead Generation: Tristan explores strategies for generating seller leads online, including Google PPC, Facebook Lead Ads, and email marketing. He emphasizes the importance of testing different approaches to identify what works best for nurturing seller leads effectively.

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