EP51: The Pre Marketing Plan

3d tours event planning facebook ads home details instagram promotions just-listed mailers marketing materials neighborhood marketing pre-marketing plan professional photography property launch real estate seller's story team collaboration Jan 20, 2024

Unlock the secrets to a flawless pre-marketing plan in the latest episode of The Daily Real Estate Podcast! 🏑 Tristan spills the beans on turning a listing into a hot property before it hits the market. From pro pics to termite inspections, this pre-marketing guide is your golden ticket to real estate success. Ready to transform your listings? Dive into the podcast now and let us know which tip you found most valuable. πŸš€ Listen to the episode here!

Topics Discussed On This Episode:

  • Pre-Marketing Plan: Tristan discusses a comprehensive pre-marketing plan for real estate listings, emphasizing the importance of preparation three weeks before a property goes live. This includes gathering professional visuals, creating a compelling seller's story, collecting home details, and initiating various marketing materials.
  • Strategies and Actions: The transcript delves into the detailed strategies and actions involved in the pre-marketing plan. From using professional photography and 3D tours to creating just-listed marketing materials, Tristan outlines a step-by-step process to ensure a successful property launch.
  • Event Planning and Promotion: Tristan highlights the significance of planning events for past clients and neighbors when a property goes live. This involves creating invite lists, ordering specific signs for the area, and leveraging various advertising channels, such as Facebook ads and Instagram promotions.

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